Sometimes, we have difficulties finding our place in the world. We graduate from school, get jobs, and open businesses, but we are still not succeeding. Why is this? One possible cause is our relationship with our father.
What is the connection between our mother and the manifestation of abundance and prosperity in our lives?
Bert Hellinger, the creator of the Family Constellation methodology, says “We relate to Life the way we relate to Mother.”
Some of us grew up rejecting one or both of our parents. We judged and criticized them, pushed them away, and vowed we would never be like them. We believed our parents didn’t do enough for us or that they could have been better parents. Life goes on, and we notice that we are making the same mistakes our parents did and that our life mimic theirs. Even though we vowed to do better with our children, we fall into the same patterns we experienced as children. Why is this?